LaShonda “L.J.” Holloway Qualifies To Run for Congress
LaShonda “L.J.” Holloway has qualified to be on the ballot to represent the people of the fifth congressional district.
Holloway is a former Capitol Hill Staffer who has worked in Washington and looking to return to D.C. to represent the People of the Fifth Congressional District.
“This is a huge victory for everyone who has ever been disenfranchised by the establishment. Holloway fought to get on the ballot, won and will fight for the people!
It’s time for change, time out for the 1 percent of this country that hoards resources and rigs elections. We are living in a climate that requires people who will stand up and fight back!
It’s time we elect leaders who are competent, courageous and will challenge the law,” stated Holloway
For more info, please contact Contact: Natalie Jackson at (407)749–9702.