Allen Ellison Speaks About Impeachment and Leadership in the United States.
On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump. We had a chance to catch up with Allen Ellison and got his take on the President being impeached and his thoughts on his opponent’s strong defense against impeachment of America’s Head of State.
“I think it is unfortunate that our House of Representatives were forced into taking up this measure to stop the President of the United States from obstructing Congress and keep him from utilizing the Office of the President and the powers afforded for personal gain. I believe that he has done and continues to do this quite often; for example: charging the government an exorbitant amount of money for golf carts, lodging, meals and entertainment for him and his friends every time he goes to his home at the Mar-a-Lago Resort which translates into 3.4 million dollars every visit. Impeachment is not good for our country. It is a very serious undertaking and should not be handled in a manner that is not consistent with the constitution, However, this situation calls for it and is more than justified.
I, like many citizens, find it alarming that members of Congress will go against their Oaths of Office to uphold the President’s actions by totally dismissing the enormous amount of testimonies pointing to wrong doing, the President’s own words and the irrefutable evidence that rise to High Crimes and Misdemeanors. I am running for the US House of Representatives to uphold the constitution and to ensure that the paradigm of checks and balances remain in effect as they are a cornerstone in our system of government.
I believe that my opponent will stop at nothing to support the President, no matter what he does even in the face of him inviting foreign governments into our election process. No matter who you are, I am not going to agree with you on every single thing. My opponent is so closely aligned with the President that he has dismissed all evidentiary documents before seeing them and all testimonies before hearing them, even going as far as repeatedly calling Democratic counsel Barry Berke a “New York lawyer” during his testimony at the Impeachment Inquiry, which many believed is an anti-semitic dog whistle to mean someone is Jewish. That is not what the people of Florida’s 17th district deserve. They deserve better. I aim to be their voice and set this country on a new path forward.” stated Allen Ellison, Candidate for US House of Representatives in Florida’s 17th Congressional District.
For more info on Allen Ellison or his campaign visit his website at